In a previous article we learned of references in the Egyptian coffin texts that describe Osiris as the "foremost of the westerners". We know now that North Africa was green and fertile in the predynastic times of Osiris, thousands of years before the dynastic Egyptians. It is in this context, when substantially more of North Africa was inhabitable that Osiris is described as a 'westerner", and the most likely meaning is referring to someone from the western side of the continent rather than the western side of the Nile. Given Egypt is in Northeast Africa. We're talking about Osiris being from Northwest Africa.
If you accept that Egyptian mythology (assuming we're translating it properly in the first place) probably presents a romanticised story about the ancient Egyptian's ancestors, then the idea that Osiris was a real King or Pharaoh ruling over territory in Northwest Africa is a logical interpretation. The fact that we haven't found him, doesn't mean he didn't exist.
We also learned that the coffin texts seem to describe the destruction of Osiris's kingdom, in a reference to Set controlling the waters and flooding the Eye of Osiris.
"Spell for having power over water. The doors of the Great One are opened for Osiris, the doors of the firmament are thrown open for Thoth. Nile-god, the Great One of the sky in this your name of…, grant that may have power over water just as Seth had power over the water in the eye(?) of Osiris on that night of the great storm..." R. O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts Volume I, Spell 353 (Internet Archive)
This is just a passing reference in one of many spells, preparing the dead for the afterlife, but it seems to infer that The Osiris Eye was a physical location, probably the kingdom of Osiris.
This aludes to a physical interpretation of the story of the death of Osiris. In the mythological story he was drowned, cut up into 14 pieces and scattered across predynastic Egypt. In this physical interpretation, whilst he may indeed have drowned in the flooding, it was his kingdom destroyed by flooding and ultimately desertification, scattering the survivors into 14 tribes who spread out across North Africa. Note that Set is ruler of the desert, so his destruction of the fertile kingdom of Osiris could be interpreted as desertification.
Ultimately as the desert expanded and the west became largely unihabitable, after too many had died, the survivors were forced to leave the west and head eastward towards the Nile, where 14 tribes of them were reunited. Note that in Egypt the west is associated with death, whilst the Nile is associated with life.
At Dendera there is a scene depicting 14 people arriving in Egypt on a boat, surrounding a symbol that resembles an eye, and that we call the Eye of Horus. Rather than a depiction of the phases of the Moon, or some such interpretation, could this actually represent the arrival of the 14 tribes in the Nile region?

Source: Swanbazaar
Does this scene show Isis welcoming the 14 remnants of the kingdom of Osiris to Egypt? In mythology she pieces Osiris back together, makes love to him and produces a son.
Is there not a baby depicted in the middle of the eye? The baby Horus? I.e. the survivors of the kingdom of Osiris, breed with the inhabitants of the kingdom of Isis, those already settled in the Nile region, and give rise to one of the greatest civilisations the world has ever known. It makes sense in the context of the dramatic climate change that we now know occured in North Africa.
I really wish I could translate these heiroglyps. If only I could stop time and learn. Has the prehistory of Egypt been hiding in plain sight all along?
The destruction of an eye shaped city by flooding is the story of Atlantis, which came from the Egyptians according to Plato, via Critias and Solon. However we also know from Plato that the names used in Solon's poem were translated from Egyptian to Greek, so Atlas was not really called Atlas, and Atlantis was not really called Atlantis. These are just the names the Solon used thousands of years later so that the story would be relatable to the Greeks. Solon said he identified the meaning of the names and used this to translate them into Greek. Presumably this means it should be possible to translate them back into Egyptian.
Given all of this, you would think that historians and archeologists would be intreagued by the fact that there is an eye shaped geological formation in northwest Africa, that has clearly been flooded and partially burried in mud in the ancient past, and is now gradually being revealed by wind blowing the Saharan dust out into the Atlantic. I have shown in another article that there is a vast amount of evidence that the Eye of the Sahara supported a truly vast population at some point in the ancient past, with evidence of farming covering much of the highlands around the eye, an area sufficient to support a population of hundreds of thousands, if not millions people.
Given all this context, the idea that the Eye of Horus (as we call it) is actually a map of a geological feature called the Osiris Eye, where the survivors of the kingdom of Osiris came from, is actually pretty reasonable. Especially when this eye is depicted on a boat, showing the arrival of 14 people in Egypt, tying in with the story of Osiris.
So this article examines the idea that the heiroglyph we call the Eye of Horus, is a map of the area we call the Eye of Sahara, the ancient Egyptians called the Eye of Osiris, and the ancient Greeks called the city of Atlantis.
Horus and Atlantis
The first suggestion I came across that there could be a connection between Horus and Atlantis was presented by Graham Hancock. Hancock describes the inscriptions at the Temple of Edfu in Egypt as telling the story of the ancestors of the ancient Egyptians, who settled in Egypt after their island was destroyed in a flood. Hancock describes the temple as the Temple of Horus, and speaks of a sect of Egyptians known as the followers of Horus. Hancock explains some of this narrative in one of his lectures, available on YouTube, starting at 25:40.
Source: Graham Hancock, YouTube.
I am going to assume that Hancock is correct, and that this is a plausible interpretation of scenes and inscriptions at Edfu. Like the scenes at Dendera, we need to obtain translations of these incriptions to investigate further. Are they full of clues we've been missing all these years?
Similarities between the Eye of Sahara and Eye of Horus
After Alexander & Rosen and later Corsetti suggested the Eye of Sahara as a possible location for the lost city of Atlantis, a few inquisitive people speculated whether there might be a connection between the "Eye of Sahara" and the "Eye of Horus". The first example I've come across of someone noticing a visual similarity between the two was a user called michaelflux in a reddit forum who posted the picture below. Michael's suggestion intreagued me, and I saved his picture in my Atlantis folder, where it has remained provoking my curiosity ever since.

Source: michaelflux, Reddit
There are similarities in the name too. Horus, as we call him in English, is also known as Har, Her, Heru or Hor (Brittannica). Remember Egyptian heiroglyphs miss out vowels (generally), so if his name was actually spelt out it would transliterate as HR or HRS (a Falcon heiroglyph seems to be used more frequently though). So is it plausible then that the name Sahara, or Sa Har, could have an etymological link to Har or Horus? I think so. Apparently it derives from Arabic (Wikipedia), but you might ask where they got it from.
Fossil rivers around the Eye of Sahara match the features on the Eye of Horus.
During investigation into the Eye of Sahara as a plausible location for Atlantis, I was examining fossil rivers on a topographic map and noticed something startling. Look at the shape of the rivers either side of the Chinguetti label in the picture below. Notice how they resemble the "teardrop" on the Eye of Horus. You may need to open the topographic map yourself and look at them more closely.

Source: Topographic-map
On the picture below I have coloured several fossil rivers in dark blue:
Two rivers coming down from the plateau formimg the "tear drop".
The Tamanrasset river forming the "eyebrow".
A probable river coming from the same direction as Tammanrasset forming the "crows foot".
The only feature missing seems to be the curly "swoosh", coloured light blue. This could be another river, or it could represent a general boundary between land and water. I suspect it is probably the latter, as west of the swoosh is higher elevation bedrock, whilst east of the swoosh is a basin filled with mud and sand.
Colouring these features on a satellite photo of the Eye of Sahara is fairly compelling.

Source: Google Earth.
Many depictions of the Eye of Horus show an asymmetry to the teardrop, with a spike on the front edge, which matches the shape of the rivers.

A map of Atlantis
If we take a closer look at the depiction of the eye from the scene at Dendera, mirroring the image to match the orientation of the Eye of Sahara, we notice that one side of the swoosh is painted blue in places, like water on a map, with the outlines of islands painted in a dark brown, and the land area shaded light brown.

The areas covered by water would be at a lower elevation than those covered by land. Even if the whole region has been buried in mud and sand since then, the underlying topography remains and the deeper areas will collect more water. In the growing season, plants will grow better in these areas, allowing us to see the buried topography to some extent. The areas in blue on the map, may show up green in the desert at the right time of year. The satellite photos in Apple Maps are taken at roughly the right time of year to see this. I will examine this in more detail in the book, but remarkably you can see green areas in the desert in roughly the same positions as the blue areas on the map, surrounding the little island to the left of the arrow in the depiction of the eye at Dendera.

Source: Apple Maps.
Notice that there is also a black geometrical arrow in the eye at Dendera which is usually absent from depictions of the Eye of Horus. The arrow is pointing towards the Eye from east to west. If you remove any preconceptions of what you believe the Eye of Horus is based on your understanding of Egyptology, and simply examine the pictures before you, it is pretty clear that its a map, with a big arrow identifying the location they came from in the Eye of Sahara.
If I mirror the full scene to match the geographical orientation (remembering that Egyptian can be written in either direction), then by my interpretation we have an arrow pointing to the Eye of Sahara/Osiris/Horus in the West, depicted on a boat of migrants coming from there who are arriving at the Nile in the East where they are being welcomed by Isis.

Or maybe it's just phases of the moon 🌙...
There are numerous similarities between the Eye of Sahara and the Eye of Horus.
The name Sahara could well derive from Horus.
They are both Eyes.
Both have the same downward slant.
Both have an extended eyebrow, matching the course of the Tammanrasset river.
The Eye of Sahara probably has a fossil river corresponding to the crows foot.
The Eye of Sahara has fossil rivers matching the shape of the teardrop.
The eye at Dendera seems to map out areas of water, which roughly correspond to more fertile areas in the desert.
This alone would be fairly compelling. But the way it ties in to the story of Osiris, scenes in temples and references in the coffin texts makes its pretty overwhelming.
The Eye of Sahara is in the West, where the Coffin texts say Osiris came from.
The Coffin texts mention the flooding of the Eye of Osiris, part of the story of Osiris, as a real event, implying the existence of an eye shaped geological feature with a connection to Osiris.
The Dendera scene arguably shows a map of the Eye of Sahara surrounded by 14 people, on a boat arriving in Egypt and being greeted by Isis, relating the Eye of Sahara to another part of the story of Osiris.
I think it's highly likely if I could find translations of the relevant inscriptions at Dendera and Edfu that there would be even more clues linking the Eye of Sahara to Egypt. If the Dendera inscriptions, like those at Edfu describe the ancestors of the Egyptians coming from a flooded island (Hancock) then we've linked Egyptian prehistory to the story of Atlantis and to its most probable location. In that case I think we could say the ancestors of the Egyptians were the survivors of Atlantis, the story did come from Egypt, and Plato's dialogues are probably fact not fiction.